Friday, February 15, 2008

Kim's Challenge

I did the Band Challenge Kimberly posted via Amy. Here's my results:

1st try: Band Name: Speed Bump

Album Name: I Have Of It

Album Cover:

But I prefer this for my cover, which was number 4:

2nd try: Band Name: Mark Cohen-Cricketer

Album name: And What It Brings

Album Cover:

This was fun. I did have a problem or two-like the real picture for my second try wouldn't save to my computer, so reloaded on the same page and this fishy came up.

Here's the directions from Kim's blog if anyone's interested:

It’s the Random Album Cover Game! A great exercise in creativity.
This requires three random things. But wait, here’s what you’re supposed to do (I promise I didn’t cheat on mine): The first article on this page is your band name. (If it’s a real band or musician, you might want to cheat and hit refresh.) Scroll down - the last four words of the last article are the title of your album. Whatever the third picture is - that’s the album cover.

Thanks Kim and Amy


Sheri said...

Yeah I want to, but I'm too lazy

Kim said...

Wasn't this fun? I go back and do it again every so often. I think I like your first band best.