Monday, February 25, 2008

What we did this Sunday:

We love our spot on the bank of the Danube River in Austria.

I think we decided to go every Sunday, weather permitting. As you can see, the weather was beautiful yesterday-Bremen actually took his shirt off, because he said he was too warm. We got him to put it back on by threatening sunburn. He loved combing the beach for 'unique' rocks to add to his collection, tossing sticks and rocks into the water, and playing with his dad. He even took a few pictures with his camera.

Kevin enjoyed being able to relax before an extremely stressful week of work (the boss is here), being in the warm weather, collecting really excellent pebbles (he found a blue-like turq blue-one), and fighting with Bremen (with sticks).

The river is unusually low for this time of year. I guess the mild winter takes it's toll somewhere. It did allow us to see more of the bank and locate lots of interesting additions to our rock/beach glass/garbage collections. I'm the one with the beach garbage collection. And glass. I know, i'm a freak.

I spent almost the entire time with my face behind the camera shooting the beach. I'm debating posting the majority of the, shall we say, artistic attempts, mainly because they make me look like even more of a freak. I took about 200 pictures yesterday at the river, most of them are of rocks and glass.

I pondered to Kevin, "At what point does one more picture become just excess?" He couldn't answer, but I think I know what he was thinking. Crazy obsessed photographer wife.


Sheri said...

I'm so jealous. I love your shots. You are so talented.

Teresa said...

I always love your pictures.

LauraB said...

LOVE the boots!!

Heather said...

I love all of your pictures and I don't think I could ever see too many pictures. Be sure to post them either here or somewhere I can see. I would love more tips on photography.

Merilee said...

That sounds like a wonderful day. You can never take too many pictures just make sure you're not missing all the fun.