Thursday, November 22, 2007

I don't want to go to bed!

OK, The best thing about being a grown-up (or being old enough to be a grown-up) is not having to go to bed when you don't want to. The problem for me at the moment is I don't have anything to do to keep me up. I simply don't want to go to bed. And now, since this is going to be a true rambling blog, I feel a true blogger in every sense. I have nothing important or relevent to say. So I'll ramble. I love playlists. I haven't gotten the hang of putting them on the blog yet, so the same one is still on here and you have to click on it to hear it, so I doubt anyone ever listens to it, but I've spent hours making others and I've recently remembered, or been reminded of some great music I forgot about. I am ashamed to admit this as well. I haven't been following music for the past 10 years. Anything 'new' is foreign to me, so recently I've been kinda searching for 'new' music that's new to me that I like, so if anyone has any suggestions (I better think before I ask for this right?) I love The Shins-they're my Smiths for the modern times.
Someone's probably going to hate me for that coment. C'est la vie. My favorite all time song is Reel Around the Fountain. I'm listening to it now, and I have to say I want to die hearing it. I can't describe what it does to me.

I noticed today that someone in their infinite wisdom has created an electronic book. Wireless, paperless access to over 90,000 books, blogs, etc. This is probably a very good itea for todays market, but I, for one, will NEVER EVER own one. I love books and paper far too much. I also hate staring at a computer screen for too long, unless I'm shopping for shoes that i never have the nerve to buy. Anyway this thing just looks like an oversized PDA and I thought what an idiot to use that design. Wouldn't it have been infinitly cooler (and more sellable) to make it actually LOOK LIKE A BOOK! Imagine your sitting on a train, book in hand, that reads War in Peace on the cover, yet you're actually reading a trashy romance novel, or the sports page. People would think you're so tough to sit and read Tolstoy for hours on end when you're really just like everybody else. Yeah, so I swear an oath today to never use one of those things. I know this is a dangerous thing to do, especially since Kevin reminded me I said the same thing about Digital Cameras (I'm such a hypocrite).

That's probably enough of nothing for tonight, but I still don't want to go to bed. Ok I'll put some pictures on here I took when we went on a nature walk a few weeks ago (before the snow ruined everything). I know a few of them look very much alike, but I couldn't choose which I liked best and since I have the power I decided to put them all on. I hate it when I really need a tripod and I can't find it in the two seconds I spend looking for it, then spend the next 20 minutes after I get to what I want to photograph swearing at mysel

f for losing my tripod. These are the best of the bunch, low light, and it only got worse. I wish I wasn't such a wuss about the cold, I coulda got some snow shots. Oh, well, I think I better go to bed. This is sounding really boring.
Oh, By the way, Elise, I make lists too. I think I have about six or eight at any given time. I love that you can make lists on Amazon. It makes me nervous though, to make lists of things (like movies) I'd like to have, because then I'd have to find a place to put them.

Oh, I remembered the movie Welcome Home Roxy Carmichael today. I don't know why that's now on the blog, but that's what you get when you give me the keyboard at midnight. I need to watch it again, to see if it's anything like I remember it. Oh, and Drop Dead Fred. What ever happened to Phoebe Cates? And when's the last time you watched the original movie Buffy and the Vampire Slayer? I actually own this one. If it's been a while and you need a laugh, rent it. Everyone is in that stinking movie, like Batman Begins.

Has anyone else checked out Facebook yet? It's soooo high school it makes me laugh, but I'm on there now. Anything to get me to waste more time on the internet. I haven't put my heart into it or anything, but I like to waste time on the never-ending movie quiz, and yes, i do cheat sometimes. If people are going to be so stupid to put questions on there you can look up on, I'm gonna do it. You probably have no idea what I'm talking about.
Peace out.


LauraB said...

Hmmmm...Amazon list you say. Wanna share that?

LauraB said...

Oh, and I saw an electronic book at CostCo. You're right - it does not have the same appeal as a "real" book (who thought you'd ever use that phrase - "real book!").

Brian said...

I love your ramble. I also have wondered what happened to Phoebe Cates. I liked her. Hmmm...well I really have nothing to say so..peace out to you.

prism said...

I am a chronic list-maker (have an Amazon one too, and categorized). I gathered up about 10 list of "house projects" and put them in a notebook so I can "remember" what we still have to work on. There are various other lists around the house ranging from sewing patterns I like to chores to things I want to buy.. it goes ON.

You are the third of my friends I've discovered that likes The Shins, so I guess I'd better give them a try. I'm in the same spot - trying to find some new-to-me music that I can get into. I just don't have a lot of time to search them out myself.. plus, I hate buying an album and being disappointed. Grr.

I hate those electronic books, too. What? I don't like reading long blocks of text on a computer screen.. ummm... oops, I just wrote one..hahah.

Looking at your pictures and reading your ramble really makes me miss you guys. :-(

prism said...

I forgot to mention - I LOVE the photos in this post. These are the kinds of things that inspire me. Thank you, thank you for sharing.

Kim said...

I also love the Shins. Of course I was a huge Smiths fan as well. I still am. Joe and I like "There is a Light Never Goes Out."

I like this blog. It is fun to get to know more about you.

Marcy said...

Kevin and I have never had a song that's "our song", but I think if we did, it would be There is a Light That Never Goes Out.

ducklips said...

You crack me up. Everyone needs a good ramble occasionally. I feel so honored to have been a part of it. Right now it seems like all my lists are about Christmas, or holiday meals and what I need to get at the grocery store. I have been working on a favorite songs list. This is not what my faves are right now, but all growing up. It's a great list, but it seems to be never ending right now. Someday I will actually burn the cd.

I actually saw Buffy about a month ago. Steve and I were up late and it came on. We were laughing so hard.

Love the pictures! I also like that they are low light. It adds a sense of mystery.

Marcy said...

Laura, I already gave you my list. You need more????

Teresa said...

Wow. Since returning to work, I haven't kept up on these, but it doesnt' look like I missed much. :)

Merilee said...

I love your rambling.

LauraB said...

Uh, Marcy, how to I give you Florence, Italy, as a gift??????

Merilee said...

Are you guys coming to AZ for the holidays? If you...Matta's, December 30th, 8:00 pm.

Merilee said...

Sorry, make that December 29th.