Thursday, October 25, 2007

America's Test Kitchen ... My Box

Bremen has always enjoyed cooking. Thanks to a recent birthday gift from Laura and Dad (to me), Bremen is also now an America's Test Kitchen fan. He and I could sit and watch episode after episode. He will even make me pause the show while he runs to the restroom. His favorite of the 2007 season is the Grilled Shrimp. I like the Chicken Parmesan.

I don't know about everyone else, but I had a box when I was a kid. Everything I put in this box meant something to me ... even if it was just that I thought something was cool and I wanted to keep it. I still have this box. It's taped up, sitting in my office in Arizona with a bunch of other boxes waiting for me to get back to Arizona.

Every few years or so, I'd open the box and relive the memories (or wonder what the heck I saved this for). It's been 2 1/2 years since we've moved to Slovakia and since I've opened the box. I don't remember everything in it, but will enjoy going through it again when I get back. I do remember some items ...
  • Railroad tracks from a train set my dad had built when I was maybe 6 or 7 years old. It was a cool train track with a tunnel through a mountain and everything. Well, the train is long gone, but the tracks remain. Maybe Bremen and I will rebuild it together someday.
  • Model airplane engines - there is actually a debate over these. Dad claims they are his, but I swear he gave them to me. Sorry, dad ... you're not getting them back.
  • Rocks - a few cool rocks that I've found over the years. I intended to turn most of them into jewelry or something, but who knows ... maybe when I'm older.
  • A bracelet or two - yes, I was an eighties kid that wore bracelets. No, they were not frilly or pink or anything like that. They were quite manly (if that is possible)
Well, the purpose of all this is that I realized the other day that Bremen has a box of his own. It is for his special things. Here is a picture and a list of items and why I think he includes them in his box ...
  • Big round rock tied to a string - given to him by a vendor at a flea market in Austria. He loves to wear it around the house.
  • Wallet - where he keeps his allowance. Money = toys or candy. Clear enough.
  • Flashlight - I agree with this one. Flashlights are cool.
  • 3 Chapsticks - if you know Marcy, you understand this one. He got this from her. Marcy must have bought thousands of these over the course of our marriage. They are everywhere in the house or car or ... well, everywhere ... but she can never find one every time we are passing a 7-11 or Circle K.
  • KootieKiller - what little boy wouldn't want KootieKiller?
  • Picture of him when he was a baby - he likes to sometimes hold this and look at himself. He loves stories about things he did/liked as a baby.
  • Winnie the Pooh statue - obtained in Rome while on vacation. They had vending machines for these things everywhere. Bremen asked for a Euro every time we passed one so he could have another.
  • A rock made with wire to look like a fish - I don't know about this one, but it is a craft that Marcy is trying to learn. He loves his mommy.
  • Whistle - he complains that he can't whistle with his mouth ... "like daddy". With this he doesn't have to worry about it.


Teresa said...

Thanks for the story. I think we all have our memory boxes. Mine has a picture of me and Stacy in it with holes through both our eyes. This was done by either Charlotte or Wendy (neither ever owned up to it!)when they were mad at us once and put holes in our eyes on all of our pictures on my bulletin board! I think Bremen is making some wise choices so far.

Merilee said...

Yes, I love my box O' stuff as well. Havn't looked through it in years. It's burried somewhere out in my garage. I'm impressed Bremen has one already. My kids just have their treasures all over the place.

A little note for you two. Maybe it is just me, but I would like to request some sort of name signing or symbol or whatever. I can never tell who is writing the posts. I was wondering why Marcy was wearing manly bracelets until she was mentioned in third person (oh, I see, Kevin wore manly bracelets). Or maybe just keep me guessing. It is always interesting.

Anonymous said...

Picture with your eyes cut out? Sounds like Charlotte (sorry, Charlotte). I just can't picture Wendy taking the time to cut holes in pictures.

ducklips said...

I love your boxes. I am very impressed that Bremen already has one too.
Mer, look at the bottom by where it says comments and it says who wrote it. Before I discovered this I was always confused too. Actually I still am because I always forget to look.

Sheri said...

I loved that post. Alexander has a box and a chest that he locks (and now can't find the key). He's hoards things like his dad.

Teresa said...

That was my guess too. Charlotte is more likely to act on those impulses!

Kim said...

I still have my box. Joe has a chest he keeps his special things in. When we clean his room, and I try to clean that thing out, he never lets me throw away anything. Everything in there is a memory, or has special meaning to him, and he can tell me every story of why it's important, even down to the rocks. He can tell me where he picked it up, and what he was doing at the time.

Also, I say innocent until proven guilty. Is there any actual proof that Charlotte actually poked the eyes out?

Charlotte said...

I missed this nice conversation about me. First of all, Kevin, you don't need to cut holes to take the eyes out. You just poke a pen or pencil in the eyes. And I don't have a box because I don't want to remember my childhood with all my mean brothers and sisters!

Teresa said...

That sounds like a confession to me!