Monday, June 4, 2007

medzinarodny den deti

We celebrated International Children's Day at Bremen's school last Friday. Groups of children took the stage to celebrate their nationality. Bremen participated with the North American group with a line dance and singing "Home on the Range" around a campfire. Bremen held a fake marshmallow on a long stick over the "fire". Rather than singing, he spent the length of the song pretending to eat his marshmallow.

There was also representation from Sweden, Japan, Italy, Germany, Slovakia and South Korea (there is a big KIA plant in the area). All groups did well. I learned a lot from the presentations. Did you know that Italy is known for gourmet food, soccer players, fast cars, fashion models and the movie Gladiator?

Growth Update: Bremen is now a little over 39 1/2 inches. With shoes, he can now go on most of the rides at Disneyland.

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