Monday, June 4, 2007

Bremen the Photographer

Well, for those of you who didn't know, we were in AZ from around Christmas until the 21st of March. At least Bremen and I were. Kevin flew in and out a couple times.
While we were home, Bremen attended preschool with Grandma Sandy. Apparently one day at school he was playing with a toy camera. He pointed and shot, bent down, peered upward, turned the camera, pointed and shot again. He did this several times appearently getting pretend shots of the room from every angle. He's obviously been watching Mommy doing the only thing she does when we travel.

Uncle Jon heard this story and thought it was pretty interesting. He gave Bremen a free-bee digital camera he'd gotten from work. I added a card and carrying case and took Bremen on a tour of our new neighborhood in AZ (we bought a house for some crazy reason) and he took some at the Phx zoo. I thought you might want to see some of the pics, so here they are.
I'll try to keep on top of taking him out on photo shoots. I think it's pretty neat myself.


Brian said...

Love the pics....He is a natural! Sorry we weren't good friends and hung out with you while you were here...but it IS a two-way street! (I am good at diverting blame) Where is the new house? Brian

LauraB said...

Keep him working on his skills and he can win Pulitzer prizes - my sister still thinks YOU should be a professional photographer!

Marcy said...

Our new house is out in BFE-Schnepf Rd and Combs Rd. Queen Creek address, but it's actually in Pinal county. We try to push the envelope to see how much people actually love us when we ask them over to see us. Those who make the trek will be known as the ones who really care, hee hee.

Emily said...

How do you make you pictures go throughout your blogs? I am jealous. I'm sure it only takes about 3 minutes of thought, but I'm setting up a sophmore English classroom right now. When I get home, I feel brain dead!