Friday, August 24, 2007

It's the Little Things

Bremen nearly sent me into a panic attack the other day.

We were driving to the store and he asked about his friend, Ellen, coming over to play. I had to explain that Ellen had gone back to the US for a funeral at the last minute and wouldn't be able to come over as planned. Well, then we got started on a discussion about death (these are not uncommon) and he said "When Daddy dies we'll have to go back to Arizona to bury him." ......................My heart was in my throat, or somewhere, because this has been a reoccurring fear of mine. I just have this thought over and over again-how on Earth will I get the body back (Yeah, I know I'm morbid).

I asked him why he thought Daddy was going to die (as calmly as I could). He informed me that Daddy was really old-he has wrinkles. ..............OK I can breath now.

I told Bremen that Daddy is only 35 years old and that's really not that old. So Bremen says, "When he's 100, then he'll be old and he'll die." I had to agree that he would indeed be old when he's 100 and agreed that he could die then. .....Hear that Kevin!


Charlotte said...

100, huh? Isn't that just around the corner for Kevin? So your not coming home for a funeral, how about for a birth?

Charlotte said...

Hey, I just noticed my time on the comment. It says 5:20 pm and its 8:20 am here. How cool!

Brian said...

Oh, Charlotte is entertained by the Simplest things:-)

Charlotte said...

Yes, I reading all your comments on everyone's blog.

Patrick said...

I'm just waiting for Kevin to finally admit that he dyes his hair. Kevin has been gray since high school.

Marci said...

Happened to come across your blog - what a profound discussion to have with a child. It seems like you handled it so well!

Have fun in Slovakia, and I look forward to hearing more about your adventures :)

LauraB said...

You have to tell Bremen that wrinkles aren't necessarily an indication of mortality - if that were so, there would be A LOT of people that should be making arrangements NOW!!

ducklips said...

that is a funny conversation. I have had similar ones w/ Zo. Yesterday she told me that when she was dead she wanted to be a chicken.
I don't ever remember teaching her anything about reincarnation.

Then she told me that I should be a kangaroo.

Teresa said...

Well, 36 is just around the corner for Kevin and after that it really starts slipping fast! And I agree that Kevin has dyed his hair since high school.