Saturday, December 15, 2007

Tag from Jamie

Sorry, Jamie - new to this blog/tag stuff. I assume that means I have to answer these questions:

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot chocolate. But not the thick, soup-like hot chocolate they have in Slovakia that Marcy loves.

2. Do you wrap presents or not? I like to wrap if I have time. I am usually too lazy and shop at the last minute (like on the 24th) so I end up doing bags. By the way, any ideas on what I can get Marcy for Christmas. It's only the 15th. I still have a lot of time.

3. Colored Lights or White? Colored unless you are doing those icicles on the house which have to be white.

4. Do you hang mistletoe? No.

5. When do you decorate? Most of the Christmas stuff is in Arizona. We travel back for the holidays so we don't do much decorating in Slovakia.

6. Favorite holiday dish? Ham ... there is usually a ham somewhere around the holidays at my dad or moms house - or both (even better).

7. Favorite memory as a child? We weren't aloud to open our bedroom doors on Christmas eve. So we'd stay up really late until we thought the parents were asleep. I'd lay down inside my room by the door, but my mouth up to the crack at the bottom of the door and talk to Teresa. The conversation usually went like this:

Kevin: You think they are asleep.
Teresa: Yea, go sneak out and see what's out there.
Kevin: No, you go.
Teresa: I don't want to get in trouble.
Kevin: Get Charlotte/Wendy to do it. She'll go.
Teresa: Charlotte/Wendy, go out and peak.
(door opens as Charlotte/Wendy sneaks out and comes back)
Kevin: What did you see?
Charlotte/Wendy: Bikes
Kevin: Cool
Dad (yelling from the other room): Be quite and go to bed or there will be no Christmas.

8. When & how did you learn about Santa? I think I first realized that Santa existed when I was 3 or 4. As I grew older I learned more about him. I think I was 6 when I learned he lived at the North Pole. I haven't learned a lot of new things about Santa in the last few years. I should get to know him better.

9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? As kids, pajamas and slipper unless the slippers were built into the pajams - score man.

10. How do you decorate your tree? I don't, Marcy does. But I remember the first year my mom switched to the 'themed' Christmas trees. It was very sad. As a kid I was no longer allowed to contribute. A kids view (at least mine) of a Christmas tree is not a single color or a single type of ornament. I love the mismatched trees as some ornaments, like the one you made in 1st grade, are important. And if Bremen wants to hang all the ornaments on only one branch of the tree, so be it. That makes it even better.

11. it or dread it? Playing in it ... love it. Driving in it ... hate it. Throwing a blanket over you by the fire sipping hot chocolate while it falls outside ... love it.

12. Can you ice skate? Yes, but not well. I have to run into a wall to stop.

13. Do you remember your favorite gift? Bright orange 10-speed bike. I assume because I still remember it, it must be my favorite. I'm actually not a big fan of getting gifts. Giving them is fine.

14. What is the most important part of the holidays? Others

15. Favorite holiday dessert? Frosted, sugar cookies ... not too soft, not too crispy. Must be homemade, store bought ones are too soft and taste like cardboard. Decorating them yourself is great ... gotta have sprinkles too.

16. Favorite tradition? tradition, not sure really. My favorite thing is watching Bremen's face as he opens gifts. It's the best.


Brian said...

Love your Santa comment! Also, you are invited/expected at Kim's party this year, and next year, and next year, and...

Sheri said...

I also loved your Santa comment. I love #16 too. I saw Bremen today - he is so big! What a cute kid :)

Kim said...

I also loved the Santa comment. You are funny. I'm right there with you on the Christmas tree. Colored lights and mismatched ornaments all the way.

When my mom tried to switch to a theme tree, we made her keep the "kids" tree. She gets her lovely all white and silver decorations in the living room, and we keep the colored tree in the family room. This year Max and Addy helped me decorate the family tree. I think most of the decorations are on the bottom 2 rows of branches. I love it.

Teresa said...

I died laughing about your description of Christmas morning. That was so accurate. The back and forth whispering and sneaking into each other's rooms until Dad got mad!

Marcy said...

we're having a tree this year. I already made a spot for it in the living room.