Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Fourth of July in Slovakia

Okay, well, so far we've spent 4th of July in Prague, England, this year we're here in Bratislava. On Saturday we took a bus down to the Castle grounds where the American Chamber of Commerce in SK hosted a Independence Day Party. It was a little odd. They had Slovak bands singing American music, an Elvis impersonator, a Beatles cover band (which I had to point out to someone, is a British band-the beatles that is), a mechanical bronco, face painting (see Bremen with 2 American Babes in Photo), a giant inflatable cactus that you could climb up and repel down, a parade, a petting zoo, free drinks and food. The lines for the food where horrendous, although not bad (I've had worse hamburgers and the hot dogs were quite good), we didn't even attempt the Taco line.

Bremen insisted on wearing his coonskin cap, which attracted alot of attention and fit in nicely with the theme-Old West. One of the highlights had to be during the parade, when Miss Slovakia pointed at Bremen and said "Oh, how cute!" really loud. Another highlight was atching the US Embassador riding the mechanical Bronco, unfortunately he didn't fall off-it was being filmed for TV. But I think the best was Kevin being interviewed by a Slovak TV reporter.

She asked (in English) where he was from and if he liked SK. She then asked if he thought it was ok to celebrate a country's independence in another country, whether he thought Slovaks have a good idea of American culture and if Americans have an idea of Slovak culture. His answers where PC enough that the messages reporting he'd been seen on TV (mostly people from work) he got that night contained no threats. He didn't have the heart to tell her that most Americans don't even know Slovakia exists, or if they have heard of it, say "That's in Europe, right?"


LauraB said...

My first thought was "why did they put that picture of random children in there" - then I looked closer. It's Bremen in disguise!!

Sheri said...

I wish you taped to interview - how many people can say they have been on tv?